Thinking of Checking Us Out?
Where are you located? 22 N Market St in Girard. Across from the post office.
What time does it start? Sunday Morning Worship is at 11:00 AM - Nursery is available.
What do I wear? Clothes. That's pretty much it. We don't care if it's jeans, shorts or a suit. You'll see it all here.
Where do I park? There is parking on the street in front of and beside the building. There is also a parking lot diagonally from the church that is available.
Nice steps. What if I can't do steps? Easy, pull into the alley on the south side of the building and call the lift. We have someone prepared to operate the lift every Sunday. That will get you to every level.
What time does it start? Sunday Morning Worship is at 11:00 AM - Nursery is available.
What do I wear? Clothes. That's pretty much it. We don't care if it's jeans, shorts or a suit. You'll see it all here.
Where do I park? There is parking on the street in front of and beside the building. There is also a parking lot diagonally from the church that is available.
Nice steps. What if I can't do steps? Easy, pull into the alley on the south side of the building and call the lift. We have someone prepared to operate the lift every Sunday. That will get you to every level.
"Girard first is a fun group of people"
You will find our church to be real, down to earth, and relevant to where you live your life. Consistently supporting the needs of our community, we emphasize inclusiveness and putting our faith to work every day.
Meet the team.
Pastor Vicky Kelley
Head Pastor
Pastor Vicky is passionate about inspiring people to grow one step closer to God,
even for those who aren't really sure God is a part of our everyday lives. Her sense of humor comes thru in her messages, while inspiring us to grow spiritually.
even for those who aren't really sure God is a part of our everyday lives. Her sense of humor comes thru in her messages, while inspiring us to grow spiritually.
Pastor Don Smith
Assistant Pastor
Don is a great addition to our team! He joined the Bridge Team Ministry as our AssistantPastor here as well. His teaching style is engaging and encourages us to move closer to God. What a great partnership in doing vital ministry in our communities together.
Andrew Yaksich
Worship Arts Director
Andrew leads our band Revive and he encourages us to prepare our hearts to praise God in our service and in our daily lives. His heart for God shows in every song. His talent is a great asset to our congregation's experience in every service.
Leslie Core
Choir Director
Leslie directs our volunteer choir. She also offers her musical ability in worship each Sunday. Her love for music, people and God shine through each and every Sunday.
Bonnie Hood
Bonnie takes great care to help lead our congregation in worship on Sunday mornings. She also accompanies the choir for their anthems and stirring Christmas and Easter cantatas. She understands the heartbeat of the church after many years of serving in worship.
Meghan DeGregory
Ministry Coordinator
Meghan desires to help our congregation connect with one another and the Lord, grow in their faith
and reach their friends and family with the hope that we have. She also has been sharing
daily devotions that are posted on our website as well as managing digital ministry and coordination of groups.
and reach their friends and family with the hope that we have. She also has been sharing
daily devotions that are posted on our website as well as managing digital ministry and coordination of groups.
Lenny and Cindy Williams
Custodian and Greeters
Lenny and Cindy Williams serve faithfully every week and are the ones who greet you when you walk in on Sunday.
Lenny also serves as our custodian during the week. They are a great asset to our team and our congregation!
Lenny also serves as our custodian during the week. They are a great asset to our team and our congregation!
Small Groups
Get Connected. Go Deeper.
We have numerous small groups on-site and will be adding more very soon. If you are looking for the next step in your faith, or are looking for a group of people to help you find your faith this is a great place to start.